Why do our tutors choose this product?
CPL Filter is a must-have item for every photography student, CPL not only makes the sky “bluer” but also removes the reflections from water, glass and leaves. Using a CPL can increase the contrast of the photograph. For students who love taking landscapes, you should buy a CPL without any hesitations!
It is very difficult to achieve CPL filter effect by post-processing. For example, if you wish to remove the remove the reflections from water, with and without CPL will make a huge difference. Basically, you may say it is a totally picture with CPL.
Never choose cheap CPL with poor quality. From its color consistency, sharpness, light transmittance to coating, it also requires high standard so you can use it for a long term.
If you are a Nikon user, you can never miss this Nikon CPL. From its quality, light transmittance to coating, Nikon CPL is absolutely as good as B+W filter. However, it is very hard to find it in Hong Kong (They will usually tell you it’s out of stock), so our tutors are taking Nikon CPL directly from Japan!
Can Canon, Sony users use Nikon CPL?
Our tutors agree that Nikon CPL II is one of the best CPLs from the market, Nikon CPL is applicable for both Nikon users or Non-Nikon users.
*** Nikon CPL II from GearSuggest are purchased from Japan directly. 100% Authentic! All of the Nikon CPL II are stated “MADE IN JAPAN”! ***