Why do our tutors choose this product?
Dust, fingerprints and dirt are always being found on lenses or filters. Using normal cleaning tools may cause scratches on filters, it may also destroy the coating. So, it is very important to find good cleaning tools for lenses and filters!
Our tutors have been using Canada Lenspen for many years. The Cleaning Tip surface is covered with a special Invisible Carbon compound that removes the fingerprint oils.
Note:There is a lot of fake Lenspen goods in the market, if you found the price is a lot lower than usual, please be aware of it as fake goods can easily destroy the coating on lenses and filters! Our Lenspen products are from China, Hong Kong and Macau genreal agency “nVisual Limited”! 100% Authentic and trustworthy!
*** You are recommended to purchase Matin Blower together for cheaper price Press Here ***

Lenspen DSLR 4in1 Kit
Lenspen DSLR Kit comes with three different pensto keep your lenses, viewfinders and filters clean.Also includes a handy microfiber carrying pouch which doubles as a cleaning cloth for virtually all other cleaning applications!